Physical Education
The Arts
St Mary's School students participate in three 50 minute specialist classes, weekly: Physical Education, The Arts, STEM and Music.
Physical Education
In Physical Education classes, students focus on fitness, coordination and team building.
Students also participate in whole school and year level specific sporting events, such as: Athletics Carnival (F-6), Cross Country (3-6), Swimming Program (F-4), Interschool Sports (5-6) and Geelong District Athletics (4-6) and Geelong District Sporting Events (5-6).
The Arts
In The Arts classes, students focus on creativity and reflection.
Throughout the year, students are involved in all areas of the arts, including: dance, drama, media arts, music, visual arts and visual communication design. A school concert and school art show are held alternatively, every second year and aims to showcase and embrace the student learning in The Arts.
In STEM classes, students focus on problem solving skills and respectful digital citizenship.
Students apply learnt technology and coding skills and use the many resources available, including: chromebooks, iPads, beebots, spheros, lego, makey-makey and mindstorm kits.
In Music classes, students at St Mary's School focus on composition and expression.
Using Orff and Kodaly-inspired activities, students participate in songs, games and dances to experience new music concepts. Through improvisation, performing and composing, students move sequentially from the very basics of musicianship (keeping a steady beat, high vs low sounds) to reading and writing with conventional music notation. Students also listen to works from their own and other cultures, and use music language to express their thoughts and opinions.
On their 'Specialist Day', students are required to wear their Sport Uniform.
TUESDAY: Year 1/2
THURSDAY: Foundation and Year 3/4
Changes are sometimes made to the Specialist Day Timetable. Families are informed of Specialist Day changes in the school's newsletter.